This blog has commenced as a way to support the local community and connect the local community to local growers and food producers.
It is a free website and resource both for users and advertisers.
If you are looking for local food please visit often. We will be adding more and more suppliers and more and more features as time goes on.
If you are a local food producer please get in touch so we can add you to our list of local suppliers. To do so please email us here at
Please note the state government is making it easier for farmgate enterprises to operate - especially small producers. Please click on the following link for more information;
The State Government has become aware through their Agricultural Land Mapping of how fertile the Upper Lachlan is with good rainfall and volcanic soils to large areas.
Being on top of the Great Dividing Range (around 1000m ASL) the Upper Lachlan is one of the last areas to go into drought and one of the first areas to come out of it.
The Upper Lachlan Shire Council is updating planning laws to encourage a Shire of Villages and move towards becoming a food bowl for Sydney and Canberra. In 2020 they commenced these changes which are progressively being updated;